Discover our wines and our proposals

Wine. A reflection of who makes it

“Wine is a reflection of the people who make it, those who work in the vineyard under the all-day sun, or in the cold winter snow. Those who work all day and night in the winery during the harvest to watch the wine slowly transform, those who dress the bottle and look after its image, those who are ambassadors and pass on the passion of those who made it”.


Today and Yesterday


The Giribaldi winery began at the beginning of the 20th century and has been producing wines for three generations. In those days, times were hard, and agriculture was not only a means of income but also a real pride for those who loved their land even though it made them suffer so much. It was normal for them to make sacrifices for the land they brought up on.


Why Organic?


Today, “organic” may seem like a market trend. However, for our winery “organic” means something very different. We started our organic grape growing back in 2001, and we obtained our first organic certification in 2004. This makes us one of the first organic wine producers.

In those days the word “organic” was used, but not in its correct context.

When our first organic wines came onto the market, the customers were hostile and not aware of what organic actually meant. We spent time and money in trying to spread the correct information and thanks to our efforts and also thanks to those who, like us, believed in our project, today anyone who is looking for an “organic” product is aware that it is possible to eat and drink at a high quality level of quality.

For us “organic” is a lifestyle, a way of life that all of our family shares. Our predilection has never been to follow trends but to aim at producing high quality wines, searching for authenticity, determined to make our wines a true reflection of ourselves, the area in which we live, with respect to our flora and fauna. Our ecosystem needs people like us that work with nature and respect it.

Sulfites Yes or no

In organic wine making, we also talk about the use of sulfites. In certified organic wines, a reduced level of sulfites is guaranteed. It is by now evident that this chemical was abused in the past and that one can easily have a sulfite level below 100 mg/l without any risk on the ageing and longevity of the wine. Using excess sulfites in the bottle can typically cause headache, itching and blushing, showing that the wine is not well accepted by our body. For some people there is an “intolerance” to wine and in this case there are wines with no added sulfites, and these are classified as natural wines.

In 2015 we too produced a natural wine: Dolcetto d’Alba d.o.c. as a personal experiment. Then we asked some of our loyal customers their thoughts, and they found it of great interest. In fact, this is one of our projects that we will continue with great passion.

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